Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Final Showdown Begins

This is the third and final scene (until I decide otherwise) I'm sharing from the screenplay I wrote a few years back. This particular dream sequence signals the story's climatic showdown. The number one rule when writing description in any script is that it must be VISUAL. If you can see it on the page, then so can a paying audience.


Falling through the eye of Skylar’s mind, all fades to black as the beginnings of a wail slowly starts to take shape in the form of an incoherent and dreamlike image of Skylar being wheeled into surgery.  He moves his head from side to side in terrified protest.  His open mouth begins to release the volcanic pressure inside his soul.  No notice is made as medical personnel already masked prepare his scalp for surgery.

The scream continues to build as an immobilized Skylar (mouth open throughout) looks on in terror as cellophane is wrapped around his face.  The terror mounts as he looks up through a watery veil of cellophane, up at the common steel faucet drowning him.  As before, no notice of his presence is taken.

The scream is unmistakable as his open eyes and mouth wail powerless against a surgeon, yanking an evil looking abrader through flesh and bone and human skull.

Now in a hospital bed, his eyes, dilated and fervid, stare up into the barrel of a pistol aimed right between his eyes.  The howl reaches crescendo.


Skylar’s face hardens.

Burn with me.

And so the showdown begins like the universe:  violently explosive.

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